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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pray for Pakistan

As you are praying today, don't forget about the whole country of Pakistan, which has been devastated by monsoon flooding. I read today that close to 900,000 homes have been destroyed, which means that millions are now homeless. About 1/5 of the entire country is currently flooded.

This means that there will be huge risks of waterborne disease, as well as people lacking food, clothing and other basic necessities.

I'll let you guys know if I see any links for organizations that are going over there to help. In the meantime, send your dua's. They need it!


Zaufishan said...

Close to 20 million people have been affected. :( May Allah have mercy on them all.
Ironically, some of the flooding has 'helped' the drier lands.

Keep us in your dua'.
★ رمضان مبارك ★

LM said...

600 kids dying every day according to Oxfam, shocking

Roshni said...

Salaam: the situation is indeed heart-breaking. Pakistan is my second home and so the visions of the flood have affected me way more than I expected, especially when I am so far and can do so little. I organised a charity dinner last night and mashallah we raised a fair bit of money. For people wishing to Donate, I can recommend Islamic Relief, Muslim hands and Human Aid Foundation. In addition, a number of the leading UK charities have come together under the banner of the ‘disasters Emergency committee, and you can donate to them online at www.dec.org.uk
Finally, I can highly recommend the Lady Fatemah Charitable Trust: www.ladyfatemahtrust.org the reason I like this organisation so much is because they have no running costs, and 100% of your donation goes directly to those in need, which is quite rare these days. Please give whatever you can: its not the amount, it’s the sincerity and if we all do what we can, then Insha Allah we will make a difference.

Aurangzeb said...

Thanks for this great effort of remembring us in your prayers!

Dee said...

I've been searching for ages trying to find a charity which allows us to send aid to Pakistan via Paypal but to no avail!
I can not BELIEVE these major organizations don't even use Paypal as a payment option! Don't they know not everyone has credit cards??
Anywho, if anyone knows how i can donate using Paypal, please tell me :( :( :(

Angie Nader said...

thats terrible...will keep them in my prayers!

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

May Allah Help the poor inoccents of Pakistan and releive them from this ameen
btw tihink its cool that you speak so many languages including somali and arabic :) haha, i dont see many people who speak both of those
my name is naz and i come from Somalia and Saudi arabia, nice blog as a whole too
Ramadan kareem sister
naz @somalianarab.blogspot.com

Blue Pearl said...

Salaam alaikum dear darling, just dropped by to say Eid mubarak. Have a wonderful time:)

May ALlah reward for all your attempts. Its really sad what is happening in Pakistan.